Ice and Snow Emergency Response Services are coordinated through the City’s Emergency Operations Center. Parks and Recreation’s NRM Division works in partnership with Public Works and Water Services in providing emergency ice and snow removal services on boulevards, parkways, park roads, public roads, sidewalks, trails and park facility parking lots to provide safe conditions for public use during periods of inclement winter weather.
The NRM Division is responsible for ice/snow routes encompassing 980 lane miles on boulevards/parkways and public streets. Additionally, they maintain 15 Parks road miles, 43 parking lots, and sidewalks and trails as needed.
For every inch of snow that falls, Parks and Recreation moves 208,000 cubic feet. In 2010, there were 20 days of snow/ice removal requiring 11,920 dedicated hours resulting in the removal of 7,786,000 cubic feet of snow by KC Parks staff.