$6 per person; $60 minimum
Boy Scout Wildlife Bear Achievement Badge: Sharing Your World with Wildlife
Learn the jobs of a Wildlife Conservation Officer and about endangered and extinct animals. Program includes a live animal demonstration.
Webelo Boy Scout Forester Badge
Offered during the months of April – October (when trees have leaves). Participants will make a map of U.S. forests, be able to identify six forest trees, identify six forest plants other than trees, tell how the trees are useful to wildlife, and describe the harm and benefits of wildfires and how a tree’s growth rings tell of its life.
Webelo Boy Scout Naturalist Badge
Make a map of bird flyways used at migration time, learn to identify poisonous plants and venomous reptiles, learn about a resident wild animal and describe the habitats and behaviors of six different wild animals seen at the center or outdoors.
Webelo Boy Scout Geologist Badge
Learn about geologic products used in building homes. Determine minerals used to make items from our daily lives; make a drawing showing the cause of a volcano and explain a way in which mountains are formed. Scouts also make a scale of mineral hardness for objects.