Kid's Art Club | KC Parks Programs

Kid’s Art Club

Here is a set of unique, in-depth classes for school-aged kids.  We discuss art history and create masterpieces of our own.  Some recycled materials like mason jars or plastic bottles will be requested for our upcycling projects, but everything else is provided.  Healthy snacks are encouraged because no one likes to make art on an empty stomach.  Dress to get messy

Ages: 8 – 12
Fee: $30/ Session  |  $10 /Drop-In
Duration: 4 weeks
Location: Kansas City North

Session I: 
June 7 – 28
Tuesday, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
Synesthesia: Art and The Senses
We learn about abstract drawing through Wassily Kandinsky.  Inspired by all of our senses, we will create dynamic images by building up layers of different types of media:  From paints, markers and just about anything we can put paper.  We visualize taste, music, texture and more.

Session II: 
July 5 – Aug. 2
Tuesday, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m
Nature and Installation Art
We discuss Andy Goldsworthy, Christo and Jeanne-Claude.  We create temporary installations using our found objects in nature.  We learn about the longevity of materials and how they interact with the landscape.  For our Christo and Jeanne-Claude study, we wrap everyday items around the KCNCC.  This is all about outside so sunscreen is encouraged.

Session III: 
Sept. 12 – Oct. 3
Monday, 5:30 – 7 p.m
Ancient Vessels and Mythology
We are introduced to Greek history, Greek pots, and the terminology used to describe the major elements of a pot (mouth, neck, belly and foot).  We review warm vs. cool colors and talk about symmetry.  We will do both paintings and pottery in this class.

Session IV:
Nov. 7 – 28
Monday, 5:30 – 7 p.m
Dale Chihuly: Luminaries and Sun-Catchers
Surrounded by glowing colors and fall leaves, we make an inspired class installation and we take home a unique centerpiece for the holidays.  We will be collecting clean #6 plastic cups, bottles and more for this class.


  1. Kansas City North Community Center